From the Octagon to the Big Screen: The Evolution of Ronda Rousey

Former UFC bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey was once a dominant force.

26 Mar 2023 1:29 AM
From the Octagon to the Big Screen: The Evolution of Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey was once the most dominant female fighter in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). She rose to fame with a string of impressive victories, including six straight title defenses, and became one of the sport's biggest stars. But after a series of setbacks, Rousey has shifted her focus to a new career: acting.

Rousey's UFC career began in 2012, when she made her debut in the bantamweight division. She quickly became a force to be reckoned with, winning her first six fights in the UFC, five of them by armbar submission. Her striking skills and her aggressive fighting style made her a fan favorite, and she soon became a household name.

In 2015, Rousey suffered her first defeat, losing her title to Holly Holm in a stunning upset. She returned to the octagon a year later, but suffered another devastating loss to Amanda Nunes, and announced her retirement from the sport soon after.

Since leaving the UFC, Rousey has turned her attention to acting. She has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including The Expendables 3, Furious 7, and Entourage. She has also hosted Saturday Night Live and served as a coach on The Ultimate Fighter.

Despite her success in Hollywood, Rousey has not completely left the world of MMA behind. She has continued to train and has even made a few appearances at UFC events, including a surprise appearance at WrestleMania 31.

Rousey's evolution from fighter to actor has been a natural progression for the former champion. She has always been a natural performer, and her charisma and charm have made her a hit with fans both in and out of the octagon. With her star continuing to rise in Hollywood, it seems that Ronda Rousey's fighting days may be behind her, but her legacy in the UFC will live on for years to come.


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